TMS is a non-invasive, safe, and painless brain stimulation technology. TMS principle is based on the Faraday’s Law, where a magnetic field was produce by the current of TMS coil, generating an induced current in and the targeted area of brain. Common disease of neurology Diseases of neurology pathologically affect the integrity of our central and peripheral nervous system. That... Read more
Meta Description Highly recommend Advanced Psychiatry Device: YINGCHI TMS is an innovative, non-drug, noninvasive, highly effective treatment for patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which will be the best choice for your health. The Science Behind YINGCHI TMS Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that uses electromagnetic induction to stimulate nerve... Read more
During rTMS treatment, the correct placement of transcranial magnetic stimulation coil is one of the key factors to ensure safe and effective stimulation. As we all know, transcranial magnetic stimulation instrument is mainly composed of stimulation host, cooling system, stimulation coil, etc. Among them, the main factors that affect the therapeutic effect of TMS are... Read more
Theta burst stimulation Since the 1980s, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been used to study the nerve fibers that carry information about movements from the brain to the spinal cord and on to the muscles. In 2004, Chinese Taiwanese scholar Ying-Ju Huang first proposed the theta burst stimulation (TBS) model and proved that it is... Read more
TMS equipment is a device that uses high-voltage energy storage capacitors to instantaneously discharge magnetic field coils to generate pulsed magnetic fields that act on the nervous system to generate stimulation. Common TMS equipment currently used for treatment mainly includes three parts: stimulator, stimulation coil, and cooling system. Stimulator The host circuit of transcranial magnetic... Read more
Denifition of TMS Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neuromodulation technology. The time-varying pulsed magnetic field can penetrate the skull non-invasively, act on the central nervous system, generate induced currents, and cause a series of physiological and biochemical reactions, thus affecting brain metabolism and neuronal excitability, so as to improve and treat mental and neurological... Read more